Clinical Studies

Evaluating Viscosity and Tear Breakup Time of Contemporary Commercial Ocular Lubricants on an In Vitro Eye Model

Authors: Chau-Minh Phan; Mitchell Ross; Karim Fahmy; Blair McEwen; Ilan Hofmann; Vivian W. Y. Chan; Connor Clark-Baba; Lyndon Jones

Examining Symptomatic Relief and Kinetic Tear Film Stability of I-DROP® MGD Eye Drops

Authors: Alison Ng, Jaya Dantam, Jill Woods, Blair McEwen, Lyndon Jones

An algorithm for the preoperative diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disorders

Authors: Christopher E. Starr, MD, Preeya K. Gupta, MD, Marjan Farid, MD, Kenneth A. Beckman, MD, Clara C. Chan, MD, FRCSC, Elizabeth Yeu, MD, Jose A.P. Gomes, MD, PhD, Brandon D. Ayers, MD, John P. Berdahl, MD, Edward J. Holland, MD, Teny Kim, MD, Francis S. Mah, MD, the ASCRS Cornea Clinical Committee


Authors: In a recent webinar sponsored by Thea Pharmaceuticals, entitled Dry eye drops – aren’t they all the same?, Dr. Christine Purslow, Professor of Optometry.

Economic burden and loss of quality of life from dry eye disease in Canada

Authors: Clara Chan, Setareh Ziai, Varun Myageri, James G Burns, C Lisa Prokopich

Strip meniscometry tube: a rapid method for assessing aqueous deficient dry eye

Authors: Saleh Alshammeri*† MSc Louise Madden* PhD Suzanne Hagan* PhD E Ian Pearce* PhD

Effectiveness of sodium hyaluronate eye gel in patients with dry eye disease: A multi-centre, open label, uncontrolled study

Authors: Nasir Saeed1, ZA Qazi2, Nadeem H Butt3, Ahson Siddiqi4, Neeta Maheshwary5, Muhammad Athar Khan6

Revisiting the vicious circle of dry eye disease: a focus on the pathophysiology of meibomian gland dysfunction

Authors: Christophe Baudouin,1,2 Elisabeth M Messmer,3 Pasquale Aragona,4 Gerd Geerling,5 Yonca A Akova,6 José Benítez-del-Castillo,7 Kostas G Boboridis,8 Jesús Merayo-Lloves,9 Maurizio Rolando,10 Marc Labetoulle11

Role Of Rheology In Tears & Artificial Tears

Authors: A. Arshinoff, Steve MD, FRCSC; Hofmann, Ilan PhD; Nae, Hemi PhD

A Randomized Multicenter Study Comparing 0.1%, 0.15%, and 0.3% Sodium Hyaluronate with 0.05% Cyclosporine in the Treatment of Dry Eye

Authors: Yuli Park,1 Jong Suk Song,2 Chul Young Choi,3 Kyung Chul Yoon,4 Hyung Keun Lee,5 and Hyun Seung Kim

Preliminary clinical study on the efficacy of propolis/aloe vera/chamomile compounded natural eye drops*

Authors: Claudio Peruccio Ophthalmology Referrals, Turin Veterinary Centre, Torino, Italy

Rheological Behavior Of Commercial Artificial Tear Solutions

Authors: Arshinoff, Steve MD; Hofmann, Ilan PhD; Nae, Hemi PhD

Novel Device Provides Rapid Measure of Tear Osmolarity

Authors: Ophthalmology Times Ophthalmology Dry eye By Nancy Groves Reviewed by Henry Reis, MD, OD

Performance of an In Vivo Tear Film Osmometer in Normal Ocular Surface Conditions

Authors: Henry Reis, MD; Stefanie Grenier, BSc; Daniela Albuquerque, MD

Dry Eye Disease Diagnosis and Management Mask

Authors: Richard L. Maharaj, OD, FAAO

In Vivo Ocular Surface Osmolarity in a Dry Eye Population

Authors: Richard L. Maharaj, OD, FAAO Clinical Director, eyeLABS Optometry and Center for Ocular Surface Disease Associate Clinical Adjunct Faculty, University of Waterloo School of Optometry