Introducing I-DEFENCE®

A hydrating & lubricating ointment for severe chronic dry eye disease and lagophthalmos symptoms

Maximum Relief!

For Severe Chronic Dry Eye

✓ 0.40% sodium hyaluronate
✓ Enables a prolonged contact-time with the ocular surface
✓ Immediate, long-lasting hydration and lubrication
✓ Reduces tear film evaporation

For Night-Time Use



Take advantage of our current promotion for I-DEFENCE®

Buy 50 I-DROP® MGD*
and get 10 I-DEFENCE®** FREE!

Use promo code MGD50 at checkout.

*Sold in packs of 10 / Add 5 units to cart

**Sold in packs of 10 / Add 1 unit to cart

(Valid from: July 2nd to September 30th, 2020)